Color functions
Shows some of the functions you can use to manipulate color objects.
var r = new Rune({ container: "#canvas", width: 500, height: 400, debug: true }); // Draw a red rectangle var redSquare = r.rect(50, 20, 80, 360) .fill('hsv', 0, 100, 100) .stroke(false); // Darken and desaturate original color redSquare.copy().move(80, 0, true).state.fill .darken(0.5) .desaturate(0.1); // Ligten original color redSquare.copy().move(160, 0, true).state.fill .lighten(0.3); // Complementary color redSquare.copy().move(240, 0, true).state.fill .lighten(0.3) .rotate(180) // Mix 40% of green into the red color redSquare.copy().move(320, 0, true).state.fill .mix(new Rune.Color(0, 255, 0), 0.4); r.draw();
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