Noise circle
Manipulating the outline of a circle with perlin noise
// This sketch requires you to add Rune.Noise to your HTML page: // var r = new Rune({ container: "#canvas", width: 800, height: 400, debug: true }); // draw background r.rect(0, 0, r.width, r.height).fill(30); var noise = new Rune.Noise().noiseDetail(0.2); var numPoints = 60; var pointDegree = 360 / numPoints; var radius = 150; var noiseStep = 0; var noiseCircle = r.polygon(r.width/2, r.height/2) .stroke(255) .fill(false) .strokeWidth(2); for(var i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { var noiseRadius = (noise.get(noiseStep) * 30) + radius; var x = Math.cos(Rune.radians(pointDegree * i)) * noiseRadius; var y = Math.sin(Rune.radians(pointDegree * i)) * noiseRadius; noiseCircle.lineTo(x, y); noiseStep += 0.1; } r.draw();
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